In WhatsApp found vulnerability to access private chat rooms
Google's search engine link indexing system allows you to access some private group chats in the WhatsApp meseenger. This is reported by Vice. You WhatsApp use URLs that are indexed by search engines to create invitation links to chat rooms. Those skilled in the art have found that such indexed links can access private chat rooms. In particular, it was possible to join the chat of a non-governmental organization accredited by the United Nations. Google spokesman Danny Sullivan said search engines process all pages from an open network. He noted that sites wishing to block some requests should use special tools. The WhatsApp said that if group administrators want to keep them fully private, they should not use URLs forwarded through public channels. It should be noted that earlier the official representative of the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq said that in June 2019 high-ranking UN officials were advised to refuse to use the messenger WhatsApp due to the inability to ensure the safety of correspondence.
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